Student Life
With a strong tradition of excellence founded on faith, our school community provides a Christ-centered education which promotes the development of the whole child.
A strong foundation of faith provides solace and comfort as our students grow and face common life challenges, and is an important part of creating well-rounded adults.
At St. Stanislaus Catholic School, we seek to instill a connection to those who have come before and lay the groundwork for those who will come after. Tradition provides the stable foundation upon which a strong and positive future is built.
As educators, we work to harness and strengthen students’ innate abilities to build their confidence so that they can find success in the face of any challenge – be it in school or in life. We strive to make them effective communicators.
Year-round athletic teams compete in the parochial athletic league, including basketball, volleyball and more.
Project Based Learning
Students learn by actively engaging in personally meaningful and real-world projects.
S.T.E.A.M. Program
Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.) are used in guiding the inquiry, dialogue and critical thinking of students.
Leadership Opportunities
Opportunities to teach the qualities of leadership, such as group projects, are provided so students must work hard, listen and communicate, and take responsibility for results.
Education in Virtue
Virtue education teaches students to understand and discriminate between good and evil as they explore the field of morality.
Community Service
Project Global Outreach is an opportunity for students to learn about poverty and injustice and how they are interconnected throughout our greater world community.
Student Council
Student Council is a leadership and service opportunity for our 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. These students can serve as an officer or coordinator for athletics, student activities, fundraising, faith, school spirit, patriotism.

Faith Formation
St. Stanislaus Catholic School is a ministry of the St. Stanislaus Catholic Community, and as such, the
parish clergy and the school work closely together to serve our students and families.
Liturgical Celebrations
Mass is an integral component in the faith formation of our students.
Students celebrate as a school community twice a month at a class sponsored Mass. These Masses are
held on the first and third Friday of each month.
On the first Sunday of each month, a class serves as readers and greeters at the parish’s 10 am
Children’s Mass.
In addition to Mass, St. Stanislaus Catholic School participates in Catholic celebrations and traditions regularly, including Holy Days of Obligation, Crowning of Mary, Community Prayer, Blessing of the Animals, and Reconciliation.
Sacramental Preparation
The sacramental life for students and our Catholic faith is central to the religion program at St.
Stanislaus Catholic School. The following sacramental preparations are part of the daily religious
Grade 2 – Reconciliation
Grade 3 – First Holy Eucharist
Grade 8 – Confirmation
Grade 8, if confirmed – Eucharistic Ministers
Our Catholic Community
Click to links below to learn more.