Our Community


With a strong tradition of excellence founded on faith, our school community provides a Christ-centered education which promotes the development of the whole child.


A strong foundation of faith provides solace and comfort as our students grow and face common life challenges, and is an important part of creating well-rounded adults.


At St. Stanislaus Catholic School, we seek to instill a connection to those who have come before and lay the groundwork for those who will come after.  Tradition provides the stable foundation upon which a strong and positive future is built.


As educators, we work to harness and strengthen students’ innate abilities to build their confidence so that they can find success in the face of any challenge – be it in school or in life. We strive to make them effective communicators.

Our Community Partners

Coming Soon


St. Stanislaus alumni are made up of amazing people; leaders in their parish and the community.  We are proud of our alumni and rely on them for their support and advocacy.  Let us know what we can to do inspire you in becoming an active participant with your alma mater.  We welcome all St. Stanislaus School alumni to connect with us.  Please submit your current information.

Alumni are always invited to our school’s special events:

Christmas Program – 12/20 at 6PM
Open House – 1/26 following the 10AM Mass
School Mass on the first Friday of the Month at 8:30AM
Children’s Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month at 10AM

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